Since 1990, we've provided Asset, Income & Lifestyle Assurance to Individuals, Families and Small Business. As Independent Insurance Brokers, our loyalty is to our clients. Our goal is to help implement the proper risk mangement products at the lowest possible cost.
Asset, Income & Lifestyle Assurance
Medicare Planning
Medicare is confusing. Let us guide you through the Medicare maze, as we simplify your choices and save you money.
Health Insurance
Individual & Family. Half the cost of high deductible ACA & Short-Term Medical. Inpatient, Outpatient, Preventative. No Deductibles, No Co-Insurance.

Life Insurance
Absolute lowest rates: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 year Term + Permanent. AM Best "Superior" carriers. Call for Quotes

Bud Otto, CLU
Chartered Financial Consultant
Tax Free Retirement Harness the Magic of Compound Interest but Avoid the Nightmare of Compound Taxation. Income taxes can ruin your retirement. Watch this 10 minute
"When I turned 65 I enrolled in Medicare. I was deluged with mail, also advice from friends, and was totally confused. A neighbor suggested I call Bud. He enrolled me in a Medicare plan with low copays that also capped my liability, at no additional cost".
Paul C.
"18 years ago Bud recommended one of the lowest cost term policies with a top carrier. I insured myself for $1,000,000. When I had a heart attack, I was able to convert to a very competitive permanent plan, no exam or health questions asked".
Ronald H.